Warrior girls
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Location: Kaihin Makuhari, Japan
Don`t mess with these girls.
kanojo tachinikakawaranaihougaiiyo
Instead of
dont mess with (somebody) =(人)にかかわらないで (nikakawaranaide)
you can rephrase it to
stay away from (somebody) =(人)に干渉しないで (ni kanshou shinaide)
dont meddle with (somebody) =(人)にちょっかいを出さないで (nichokkaiwo dasa naide)
Or the most commonly used phrase
Mind your own business = お節介をしないで (o sekkai woshinaide)
Note: You may change the ~しないで to するな (shinaide to suruna) to sound more firm and strict.