Honestly the best food in Japan
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Before I judge, I want to come to agreement that we all have different aji no okonomi
味のお好み tastebuds.
Whats nice to you, may not be nice to me.
What I like, may not be what you like.
Come on, take for the known fact, that we are all different.
While the recent Gotouchi: online voted best food in Japan falls to Ryugasaki Croquette. I beg to differ.
I think I already had too much potatoes in my shokuji 食事 meals: french fries, mashed potatoes and hash brownies.
Stuffing cream inside potatoes and dipping them among the spaghetti sauces isn't really miryoku teki 魅力的 attractive to me.
...And yet, here are my honest opinion of the best food in Japan.
I think it deserve some kind of justice - the Gyutan Yaki.
Gyutan is cow`s shita舌 tongue.
Despite how eerie it sounds, it is the best ever Japanese food that I have tried. The first time I fell in love with it was in Sendai. (Read the post on Sendai trip).
And just in case you don't know, tongue is the strongest muscle of all body bu i 部位 parts.
So if you find some muscular chicken thigh to be very tasty, you are going to find this to be amazingly tender and delicious.
To cook it, it is often marinated and smoked. See video.

I really think the yuushou 優勝 winner badge should be on the Gyutan Yaki.
Well, everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
Share with us on what you think is the best food in Japan.
味のお好み tastebuds.
Whats nice to you, may not be nice to me.
What I like, may not be what you like.
Come on, take for the known fact, that we are all different.
While the recent Gotouchi: online voted best food in Japan falls to Ryugasaki Croquette. I beg to differ.
龍ケ崎コロッケ(Ryugasaki Croquette)
I think I already had too much potatoes in my shokuji 食事 meals: french fries, mashed potatoes and hash brownies.
Stuffing cream inside potatoes and dipping them among the spaghetti sauces isn't really miryoku teki 魅力的 attractive to me.
...And yet, here are my honest opinion of the best food in Japan.
I think it deserve some kind of justice - the Gyutan Yaki.
芯たん焼き (Gyutan Yaki)

Despite how eerie it sounds, it is the best ever Japanese food that I have tried. The first time I fell in love with it was in Sendai. (Read the post on Sendai trip).
And just in case you don't know, tongue is the strongest muscle of all body bu i 部位 parts.
So if you find some muscular chicken thigh to be very tasty, you are going to find this to be amazingly tender and delicious.
To cook it, it is often marinated and smoked. See video.

I really think the yuushou 優勝 winner badge should be on the Gyutan Yaki.
Well, everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
Share with us on what you think is the best food in Japan.