Beautiful Beaches: Redondo Beach Pier
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Redondo Beach Pier has been one of the 最も奇麗なところ mottomo kirei na tokoro most beautiful places I have visited.
The breeze and ocean view was very welcoming.
It says, "Please keep your beach clean". I think it is already very きれい kirei clean.
食事、買い物、遊び shokuji kaimono asobi Food, shops and fun.
A nice place for relaxing and 散歩する sanpo suru taking a walk.
Lots of greats restaurants and shops. The restaurant sits on the pier that extend out into the sea. It feels as though you are 海の真ん中に食事を楽しんでいる umi no mannaka ni shokuji wo tanoshindeiru enjoying your meal in the middle of the sea.
Boats on the other side of the pier.
こんにちは、私はロボットです!konnichiha watashi ga robotto desu. Hello! I am a robot.
It is a tower viewer or sometimes called binoculars.
oi, kuukan wo kure yo, ore no ashiyubi wo fundeiru zo.
Hey there, give me some space, you are stepping on my toes!
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